South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics and Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, is involved in the monitoring of the food security and nutrition situation in South Sudan by collecting and analyzing information on food security indicators (e.g. Food Consumption Score, Household Dietary Diversity Score, Household Hunger Score etc.), crop production data, market data, livestock data, rainfall data etc.

In order to improve collection, processing and dissemination of food security related data, the Government of the Republic of South Sudan (GRSS) in partnership with FAO and other development partners have developed a crop and livestock market information system to mainly support food security policy making processes and programming in South Sudan. This system is known as the South Sudan Crop and Livestock .

The following datasets are available in the CLiMIS portal:

1. Market data
2. CMB/CPI data
3. Daily Exchange
4. Cross border trade data
5. Rainfall data
7. Smart Survey data
8. Food Security Indicators data
9. IPC Population data
10. Crop data
11. Live Maps - [Precipitation, NDVI, IPC]